J. José Vergés, S.A. has reached the position of prestige and leadership that holds to this day, thanks to each and every employee within it. For that reason we place the development of competencies, skills training and management opportunities in the center of the attention in our people management.
Our Human Resources department places special emphasis and the required resources to identify and promote the talent of our employees, based on equal opportunities and full respect for diversity. Only through such knowledge we can provide a global service fully professional and specialized.
We know the added value of commitment and linking employee with the company. Therefore, all share the same vision and the same values, and our management and sales team has a great responsibility to deliver them to our customers.
José Vergés
General and Commercial Manager
Eduardo Tor
General and Production Manager
Imanol Elguea
Commercial Manager for Europe and CIS
José Manuel Cantón
Commercial Manager for Spain and Portugal
Angélica Sánchez
Customer Service. Export Department
Montse Prades
Customer Service. Export Department
José Enrique Romero
Customer Service. National Commerce Department
José Luis Rivera
Sales Manager North Area